so is under going a radical transformation is the next few weeks. already much of the change is in place. ive altered the layout so only one post shows on the home page, and ive added my instagram feed below the main post. i also increased the font size for better cross device readability and added an option for getting email updates.
probably the biggest news is that the address is going to change. a few years ago i lost but seemingly magically it was up for sale again when i was looking into getting (which only costs a few thausand dollars!). so i bought back from the internet gods and im gonna get it to work asap. so be on the lookout, all the old links will redirect to for some time still but eventually will stop working. ill have more dotails soon.
there are a few more changes coming. the navigation buttons are going to get updated and a new menu is in the works too. anyway hope this finds you well and have a great day ya'll!
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